making a difference - blue cross thong kheng home


20th April 2020 -

On behalf of the Jiangsu Association of Singapore, Yimage Singapore Pte. Ltd. made a donation of customized masks to Blue Cross Thong Kheng Home, which was provided to all elderly folk and staff, in light of the ongoing Covid-19 Situation. The masks are reusable, waterproof and durable. The activity was actively supported and made possible by Dr. Zhou Zhaocheng, President of the Jiangsu Association, and the meticulous and thoughtful arrangement of Minister Wang Yan of the Logistics Department of the Jiangsu Association of Singapore. Our heartfelt thanks goes out to all who assisted with the donation.

2020年 4月 20号 -

Yimage Singapore Pte Ltd 代表新加坡江苏会为同敬怀仁院(老人院)捐赠一批口罩,提供给每位老人和护士及工作人员。口罩可重复使用的,并有防水功能,捐赠活动获得江苏会的会长周兆呈博士的支持,以及新加坡江苏会后勤部王燕部长细致及周到的安排。在此表示衷心的感谢。

- Yimage Singapore Pte Ltd Founder, Daniel Yin